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My Trini Tutor first and only 100% FREE to use Directory for Tutors & Students in T&T.
To learn more about head on over to our About and How-it-Works pages. is completely FREE! There are not hidden costs or “Pro / Paid” versions/sections.

Tutor Services are listed INSTANTLY on MyTriniTutor! Once you fill out the form completely, your Tutor Listing will be available for all to see immediately after successfully submitted.

Yes! MyTriniTutor will always be Free to register and list Tutor related ads.

If you are a qualified tutor, even with no teaching experience, you can list on

Signing up is completely FREE. Click the “Register” button located to the top of ever page, enter your username, email and password and that’s it!

You can alternatively use your Facebook or Google account to register/login easily.

It’s quite simple. Sign up, submit your tutor details instantly and an interested student or guardian will contact you either via our chatting system or the info you provide! Easy isn’t it?

Simply put, No we don’t. MyTriniTutor is a Tutor Directory platform where independent Tutors can list their own services and info.

With our review system for every Tutor and Class listing, you, the public can ensure Tutors are reliable for others to consider. However, myTriniTutor does NOT screen every Tutor Listing. Please do review thoroughly every Tutor before considering.

So you clicked ‘Register’ and chose the Google Connect button, but it doesn’t work as expected? It works well on a Firefox browser, but NOT as good on Google Chrome browser. We’re currently trying to remedy this. Until then we suggest using a Firefox browser or facebook connect or simply creating an account the “old-fashion” way. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience with this feature.

WARNING: Deleting your own account permanently deletes your account, listing(s) and data. This action is irreversible.

Here’s How: You can remove your profile on the Delete My Profile page. You will be asked to provide your password.

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 Send us a message, we’ll be glad to assist in any way we can!